The Collagle Wiki

Trats ehT is the second volume of the collagle. The main collagle is the Ice Gligman and would introduce one of the primary antagonists, Mauricio as well as the other glagiathans.


After a scuffle between two creators the Volume starts with The Thing escaping the moon's explosion while taking a selfie, and then a replica of the first volumes version 3 appears which then turns into a ice pikmin due to its coloring. Then it evolves into a Frostxolotl (the first of its kind) and gets yelled at by an enraged borgack. Meanwhile, in outer space, the thing arrives at glagworld, is stopped by the Glagiathans, Mauricio appears for one version to battle with The Thing but leaves and The Thing gives a delicious watermelon to the glagiathans as a settlement. Mauricio hides behind a banana, making it impossible for someone to notice them. The Thing reaches the atmosphere of Glagworld and crushes the borgack. The Thing is pretty malnourished after the deal, and somehow takes Mauricios banana and eats it. The frostxolotls split into 3 miniature frostxolotls. It was a mutation, making it split into 5 in the end. The Thing gives the banana to the five before a hidden cannon inside fires at the The Thing, causing them to faint from shock. The Frostxolotls end up splitting into 15 from fear, and Mauricio realized he accidently hid with the cannon banana, thus thats the reason why The Thing could see the banana. Mauricio rewinds time, accidentally rewinding to version 37 instead of version 40. The Thing can perceive and resist the reslam of time, thus making them aware that time has been displaced. The Thing decides to take their anger out on Enphoso because Enphoso can be killed, and because neither The Thing nor Mauricio can die properly. The Thing storms to enphosian Pyramid and donns a disguise similar to an enphosians corpse, which somehow makes The Thing perfectly look like an enphosian. It is VERY improbable someone can see through this, especially Enphoso. Then, 2 frostxolotls appear from time itself, and since Enphosians are the enemies of the frostxolotls’ caretakers (Gembos, Gloobers and Blabglorbs) as well as because they cannot tell its The Thing, they latch upon The Thing and begin icesharding. Bluescrn attempts to shut down the volume multiple times, then, at volume 55, the mutated icegligmin appears, frees the teleporter from him and exploits the teleporter loophole. Meanwhile, in the real world, the Frostxolotl larva is playing Run 3 in cool math games!1!! But the Frostxolotl noticed something, Glaggle Sim has crashed! The Player Frostxolotl then starts up a new simulation, starting volume 3 and likely erasing everything.

The Collagle
Supporting Characters Jeeble JhonsonThe ThingMutated Ice GligmanVol. 2 BorgackRedrawn GigglerVol. 3 BorgackOscarVeggieJunglerFlimbertWall DwellerAdmin 4GebgebNormalny Chomik #5CarStatic TunnerThe SurvivorsStatic GraySkellyGootlesTy-TyLeelee
Neutral/Unknown Characters PaleFaceyKattoCuborFakescarGreenscrnThe StuffPlayerEyefestation (Individual)PinheadThe PlayerVol. 3.25 EnphosianThe FogTeardropCrimson GrayMr. EclipseWitch hazel“Simon”Static!ThingJack-o-lanternThe PirateTeal
Antagonizing Characters BluescrnCarhellMauricioEnphosoGreyscrnLil’ RoyaltyAdmins 1 through 3Guardian Angel of the BanlandsAbstractEldritch KingCrimson WendaGlenn ToppingtonMutated GigglerKamiBlack HoleCladis
Upcoming Characters Sebastian SolacePandemoniumLil’ RoyaltyLava KingZ-96AlexanderRiverAbstractMr. ShadeEldritch KingCynLight SageBlack HoleCladis
Volumes The StarttratS ehTCOMPUTER RESTOREDThe journey to GlagworldCrash landingNow Where Were We...?Fakescar's Redemption ArcThe Thing's Grand Mini-arcDazed and DiscombobulatedTheatrophobiaFlimbert (Sub-volume)A normal day with the sprunkis…?Whiteboard adventure
Places/Locations SpaceThe MoonThe Void of NonexistenceJupiterNeptuneGlagworldGleeberlandThe Interdimensional BunkerSpire of Ethereal Light AboveUrbanshade Hadal BlacksiteLibrary of BabelThe BanlandsKubikThe HubQuasar 56b-0pr2VeggielandThe WhiteboardNisichromatosNowhere LakeBloody Train StationTowers
Creatures Light GnomesRotten Coral GoblinsLava GoblinsDust GoblinsMoon GoblinsNitrogen GoblinsChaos GoblinsJoyful GoblinsFourth-Dimensional GoblinsRuined GoblinsOld Paper GoblinsBlood GoblinsBanstone GoblinsCubic GoblinsBubble GoblinsStardust GoblinsSharp GoblinsSelf-Replicating ProbeFrostxolotlBorgackGhoulsGlagtaursQ-BlocksLamp SpritesProtocrittersStatic ConstructsSprunkisTower GuardiansGlaggle
Symbols Mark of The KingGuardian Angel Zodiac
Phenomenae Iridescent PortalStaticVoidrift
Joke Pages Hi sebby :)
Events The Hadal MassacreSprunki Massacre (Crimson)ANGELMAGGEDDON
Languages Q-Block
Brands Johnson’sChomilkUrbanshadeMicheal AloneBuild-A-Prottocritter Workshop
Groups Order of the Crimson EyeMassacre Survivors’ AllianceLetters
Current Items The SynchronizerTeleporterPrisioner Diving GearStarsFlash StonesDepixelitation syringeThe Fogs arrow
Upcoming Items Flash BeaconTriple Barrel ShotgunRotten CoralDocumentsBoarbladeGoblin Safety GaugeTearfruitTime Machine