The Collagle Wiki


Q-Block is a language spoken in Kubik. It’s letters are highly stylized symbols. Every roman letter has a q-block equivalent (but J, Q and X)


Q-Block character(s)
Pronunciation(s) Meaning behind symbol
A Qblock A Qwa Foot
B Qblock B Qwomb Not identified yet.


Qblock C Qwocc Gemstone
D Qblock D Qwowd Not identified yet.
ð Qblock ð Qwoeð Not identified yet.
E Qblock E Qwe Flash stone
F Qblock F Qwofaff Not identified yet.
G Qblock G Qwuggog Not identified yet.
H Qblock H Qwoh Not identified yet.
I Qblock I Qwi Not identified yet.
J File:Qblock J.png Qwajjo Not identified yet.
K Qblock K Qwokakk Not identified yet.
L Qblock L Qwaoll Box
M Qblock M Qwomp Rocket ship
N Qblock N Qwenn Not identified yet.
O Qblock O Qwo Not identified yet.
θ Qblock θ Qwotθ Not identified yet.
P Qblock P Qwopwop Not identified yet.
Q File:Qblock Q.png Qw Not identified yet.
R Qblock R Qwarpk Not identified yet.
ʀ Qblock ʀ Qwoθʀ Not identified yet.
S Qblock S Qwaess Not identified yet.
T Qblock T Qwontt Not identified yet.
U Qblock U Qwu Not identified yet.
V Qblock V Qwovvav Not identified yet.
W Qblock W Qwouw Not identified yet.
X File:Qblock X.png Qwoxxie Not identified yet.
Y Qblock Y Qwayy Not identified yet.
Z Qblock Z Qwoz Not identified yet.


The Collagle
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