The Collagle Wiki

Glagworld is a part of Space, the place where most species reside. It orbits Glaggumb, and a Moon (Glagggi) orbits it. It houses Glaggleland, Gazoland, and every other theme park, and every species of Glaggle out there. It is really a marvel to Glagkind...



The Continents


A map of glagworld.

The Glagworld houses 5 continents, those being Glagus, Calanica, Baiwo, Towo, and Bibergly. Most of the world’s population lives in Glagus and Calanica, Baiwo is a mysterious continent to the Far East, Towo is an unknown “continent” far away, and Bibergly is a long expansive boiling desert that is slowly being colonized by the great powers.


Main article: The History of Glagworld

  • BG = Before Glippening
  • AG = After Glippening

The Dawn (5 Billion BG To 1 Billion BG)[]

  • 5 Billion BG = Glagworld starts forming.
  • 4.88 Billion BG = Glagworld is nearly its current size.
  • 4 Billion BG = Glagworld crashes into Enphos, making Glagworld its current size and making its moon, Glagggi.
  • 3.5 Billion BG = Glagworld starts developing single-celled life.
  • 1 Billion BG = The atmosphere is now able to properly protect its creatures from dangerous sunlight.

Pre-Historic (1 Billion BG to 10 Million BG)[]

  • 800 Million BG = Multi-celled life starts forming
  • 735 Million BG = a fish evolves into the first prehistoric PufferGlug.
  • 699 Million BG = Life starts walking on land
  • 400 Million BG = The first Glagosaur evolves
  • 300 Million BG = Glagosaurs are now the dominant species
  • 68 Million BG = Glagosaurs get wiped out by a Glagsteroid
  • 10 Million BG = The First Glaggles start evolving

Glag-volution (10 Million BG to 999 BG)[]

  • 3 Million BG = Glaggles learn to make fire
  • 1 Million BG = Glaggles use stone spears and draw cave paintings
  • 200,000 BG = Glaggles start making bows
  • 69,000 BG = Some Glaggles start finding metals. They do not know what to do with it yet
  • 8000 BG = Approximate date of the founding of the civilization
  • 5000 BG = Glaggles discover how to use metals

Modernity (999 BG to 100 AG)[]

  • 1500 BG = The last known genetic Paleoglag dies somewhere in the mountains. Some could be alive, just in hidden locations
  • 69 BG = Gemboland is founded
  • 0 AG = Glaggleland is built, the Glaggle Empire is proclaimed, and THE GREAT GLAG is born, believed to be the Peripheral Glag's son.
  • The rest is history...
The Collagle
Supporting Characters Jeeble JhonsonThe ThingMutated Ice GligmanVol. 2 BorgackRedrawn GigglerVol. 3 BorgackOscarVeggieJunglerFlimbertWall DwellerAdmin 4GebgebNormalny Chomik #5CarStatic TunnerThe SurvivorsStatic GraySkellyGootlesTy-TyLeelee
Neutral/Unknown Characters PaleFaceyKattoCuborFakescarGreenscrnThe StuffPlayerEyefestation (Individual)PinheadThe PlayerVol. 3.25 EnphosianThe FogTeardropCrimson GrayMr. EclipseWitch hazel“Simon”Static!ThingJack-o-lanternThe PirateTeal
Antagonizing Characters BluescrnCarhellMauricioEnphosoGreyscrnLil’ RoyaltyAdmins 1 through 3Guardian Angel of the BanlandsAbstractEldritch KingCrimson WendaGlenn ToppingtonMutated GigglerKamiBlack HoleCladis
Upcoming Characters Sebastian SolacePandemoniumLil’ RoyaltyLava KingZ-96AlexanderRiverAbstractMr. ShadeEldritch KingCynLight SageBlack HoleCladis
Volumes The StarttratS ehTCOMPUTER RESTOREDThe journey to GlagworldCrash landingNow Where Were We...?Fakescar's Redemption ArcThe Thing's Grand Mini-arcDazed and DiscombobulatedTheatrophobiaFlimbert (Sub-volume)A normal day with the sprunkis…?Whiteboard adventure
Places/Locations SpaceThe MoonThe Void of NonexistenceJupiterNeptuneGlagworldGleeberlandThe Interdimensional BunkerSpire of Ethereal Light AboveUrbanshade Hadal BlacksiteLibrary of BabelThe BanlandsKubikThe HubQuasar 56b-0pr2VeggielandThe WhiteboardNisichromatosNowhere LakeBloody Train StationTowers
Creatures Light GnomesRotten Coral GoblinsLava GoblinsDust GoblinsMoon GoblinsNitrogen GoblinsChaos GoblinsJoyful GoblinsFourth-Dimensional GoblinsRuined GoblinsOld Paper GoblinsBlood GoblinsBanstone GoblinsCubic GoblinsBubble GoblinsStardust GoblinsSharp GoblinsSelf-Replicating ProbeFrostxolotlBorgackGhoulsGlagtaursQ-BlocksLamp SpritesProtocrittersStatic ConstructsSprunkisTower GuardiansGlaggle
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Joke Pages Hi sebby :)
Events The Hadal MassacreSprunki Massacre (Crimson)ANGELMAGGEDDON
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